Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment: My letters to Maryland Democratic Representative Jamie Rasking and others


About two weeks ago, I wrote a letter to Maryland Democratic Representative Jamie Raskin about identifying to the nation the disqualification of Donald Trump as president according to Section 3 of the 14 Amendment. I couldn't post the letter in an email because AI said my Zip Code was wrong and it was in a feedback loop with the same error message. So I called his office and left a message.

I also emailed New York Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand as well as other senators on the Judiciary Committee, for example Maise Hirono and Jon Osoff to name a few. The letters I wrote them follow the body of the letter to Representative Raskin. Their letters went through. His did not. See below for what I wrote with some variation considering the senator or representative. Here is an example of the letter I wrote to Raskin, whose core I followed throughout to the other senators and representatives.



Dear Representative Raskin,
Thank you for your service to this nation and standing up to your oath of office in defending the constitution against Donald Trump.  I have seen your endeavors and applaud them as you stood with your other colleagues to hold the felon to account. You have been courageous, and despite death threats have safeguarded the nation against the domestic violence the criminal would perpetrate. It is egregious and conspiratorial that his own party did not convict him  of high crimes and misdemeanors, when he fomented the January 6th insurrection where Brian Sicknick and other Capitol police and a woman lost their lives because of Donald Trump's attempted coup to overthrow the election of 2020.

Republican senators in an act of disloyalty to the constitution and infirmity and dereliction of their oaths put loyalty to Donald Trump over the constitution. Despite Senator McConnell's admission that Donald Trump fomented a violent insurrection, he left it up to the courts to hold him to account. We have seen a feckless DOJ that delayed in moving to swift justice and here we are. The criminal has defrauded the nation in an compromised election (https://smartelections.substack.com/p/strange-numbers).  Experts and investigative reporters (not on MSM) have reported on this. To avoid accountability, Donald Trump launched himself with the help of billionaire Elon Musk, "True the Vote," lackeys, foreign interference, voter role purging, ballot dumping, bomb scares and a myriad of other ways back into the White House. Once he lies on his oath swearing in at the inauguration, he, will create untold and unimaginable havoc and destruction that will not be mitigated. It will be too late. 

Democratic Representative William J. Pascrell, Jr. who first spoke about the Disqualification Clause of the Constitution (section 3, 14 amendment. He sadly passed away August 21, 2024.)

The fraudulent election has placed full power in the hands of the MAGA/Republicans. With his cabinet selection of like minded loyalists to him and Putin compromats, the checks and balances of government will be removed and there will be little Democrats can do to stop him.

The swearing in of a criminal insurrectionist will be a vitiation of the constitution and a treasonous act in itself if he is not stopped beforehand by Congress. The House and Senate will be guilty of a gross dereliction and illegitimacy in not holding him to account under section 3 of the 14th amendment.

Under section 3 of the 14th amendment, no insurrectionist can hold office. In the Colorado case Anderson v Trump, the Supreme Court left it up to Congress to confront the criminal and traitorous Putin asset. Please help to support the endeavor of your colleagues with an Amnesty Bill, begun in the Senate. With such a bill  the House and the Senate with a 2/3 vote in each would once and for all either remove the disability of his insurrection, or would keep it, disqualifying him from taking office. The constitution would be upheld and not dismissed or ignored in a blatant act of treason by Congress in not upholding their oaths of office. 

Not to do this is a dereliction of duty. It would mean that Democrats are not upholding their oaths of office that they swore to do to defend the constitution.  Not to take up an Amnesty Bill would be complicit with a criminal who would destroy our nation that President Biden has brought out of the darkness of the former Trump years with Democratic efforts. 

Trump felt that VP Pence deserved to be threatened with assassination on January 6th

The American people would support this action and look forward to Trump being held to account. Indeed, thousands are depressed at the election results because they sense that the criminal felon defrauded them in a compromised election. They voted for Kamala Harris because he  is unfit for office based on his character, his behavior and all the proof and evidence these past years (the COVID-19 botch job alone killed thousands of Americans). However, the worst is he is illegitimate and is not capable of fulfilling his oath to the constitution to defend it against his own pernicious lusts or the wicked designs of a foreign adversary, i.e. Putin and others. Fomenting the January 6th insurrection is the greatest evidence of this  dereliction, incompetence and perniciousness.

The moral imperative is clear. Please act with your fellow members of Congress to initiate and support an Amnesty Bill that would once and for all uphold section 3 of the 14th amendment and either pardon or disqualify Donald Trump from office.

Encouraging you in this endeavor and may God bless and give you the continued strength and courage to do your job.
Carole Di Tosti

Alexei Navalny has more courage and clarity than Democrats who presume sanctimony but are liars.

They did not act. They missed the opportunity that will not come again after Trump lies on his oath and the constitution is vitiated because an insurrectionist will be in office. In one fell swoop, we will see that no politician in this nation can uphold their oaths to the people, the constitution and the nation. Thus, they disqualify themselves. Putin will have won in the final overthrow of the rule of law in the former United States. The rest is a charade for show. Do not expect any election to be free and/or fair. Expect Trump and Republicans and their cronies to effect it so that they control for the next 5 decades, or more.  With their lack of due diligence and negligence, Democrats have finalized the coup begun and continued since January 6, 2020.