Fulton County DA Fani Willis in a photo shoot for 'Fortune,' 50 Over 50 her achievement.
The Georgia indictment by Fulton County DA Fani Willis charged Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants in a RICO conspiracy which includes 161 acts encompassing their various frauds, solicitation of officials to violate their oaths of office, signing false documents and additional lies/acts in the commission of the furtherance of crimes. What is at the root of their conspiracy and crimes? It's stated in the first sentence of the indictment. Donald John Trump lost the 2020 election. However, he and the co-conspirators (almost all of them lawyers) refused to accept the election results despite losing the over 60 court cases which rejected all Trump's claims of fraud.
Chris Krebs was fired when he stated to Trump it was the most secure election ever. |
They insisted there was fraud despite overwhelming evidence of no fraud and the reports of those like Chris Krebs who stated it was the most secure election ever. For that insistence, Donald John Trump fired Chris Krebs via tweet. AG William Barr told Trump that the fraud charges in the election and the election lies were BS. Trump forced him to resign. And when Trump and his co-defendants pushed the #BigLie to their supporters, the duped militias, law enforcement from various states, all of them white nationalists who showed up January 6th to riot at the Capitol, this was part of the furtherance of the scheme to get VP Pence to reject the Electoral College ballots/votes by threatening him, then trying to have Secret Service drive him away.
But VP Pence refused to leave at great personal risk, and he refused to deny and reject the Electoral College votes. Trump rioters outside the Capitol breached the Capitol and looked to do harm to Democrats and threatened to assassinate VP Pence.
Trump and VP Mike Pence. When this photo was taken, neither man imagined Trump would support with his silence (and he has a big mouth) Pence's assassination. |
Trump didn't immediately tweet the rioters to stop, but he waited hours while terrific damage was done by rioters. When he was told of the chants to "hang Mike Pence" Trump was sanguine. In other words, he approved the message sent to Mike Pence. He approved his assassination. He supported VP Mike Pence dying because VP Pence wouldn't reject the ballots as fraudulent. He wouldn't disenfranchise the voters of this nation, 7 million more of them who voted for President Biden in a landslide popular vote. Yes. 7 million more voters voted for President Joe Biden in the popular vote which put Biden over in the Electoral College by the same number Trump in 2016 won and said was a landslide.
Rudolph Giuliani is charged as a co-defendant of the RICO conspiracy to defraud the citizens of the US. The indictment (see link below) spells out the specific acts he is charged with. |
Regardless, Joseph Robinette Biden won. DA Fani Willis states that in the Georgia indictment, asserting that there was no fraud in Georgia, despite Trump and his co-defendants screaming at the top of their lungs, the lies that there was fraud. DA Fani Willis charges them with breaking the law on 161 acts.
Republicans in Congress and the Senate refuse to admit on National TV, Fox, OAN, Newsmax that Donald Trump has committed fraud in pushing the #BigLie, that Joe Biden is an illegitimate president, despite there being NO PROOF. Republicans have made themselves co-conspirators in the RICO conspiracy. There should be an additional indictment of these members of Congress, Speaker McCarthy, Representative Mo Biggs, Representative Marjorie Taylor Green, Representative Matt Gaetz, Representative Louie Gohmert and others who join Donald John Trump in speaking out against the indictment and supporting that Joe Biden lost the election. He did not. That lie is fraud.
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Rioters at the Capitol. Ginni Thomas went to the ellipse, in support of Trump to defraud the nation. |
Republicans who support Trump are unfit, derelict and negligent in their oaths of office. They are not upholding the constitution and the peaceful transfer of power. They uphold violence in the commission and furtherance of crimes. Trump is a four time criminal defendant. He is guilty of breaking the law. This is not a political situation. The political situation is that the Republicans think they can flout the law and help Trump continue his furtherance of crimes with their support. He is furthering his criminal acts and soliciting them to join him in stating he "won" the election when most of the country knows he lost because President Joe Biden is the President.
Republicans are breaking the law which states fraud is a felony. The RNC fund raising off the fraud should be charged with a massive felony. They amassed $250,000,000 and they duped Trump supporters to support him fighting the "illegitimate president," a lie. They continue to fund raise off criminal activity that Trump is commissioning. His supporters are committing fraud as I write this supporting Trump as president. No criminal can be president. He will use the office to commit more crimes as Trump did. The position of power doesn't pardon him outright. If he is voted president, he must be tried and charged. But how since he will vitiate all in the DOJ which he has sworn to do. Democracy is at stake. The Republicans know it and the position which they swore to uphold constitutionally, daily, they violate by supporting the criminally indicted Trump. They should be charged with him or our constitution means nothing because their sworn oaths mean nothing.
Immigrants who flee to this nation have more appreciation of the United States of America than these craven. They are fit to be congressional leaders, not those Republicans in the House and the Senate who uplift the four times criminally indicted Trump who broke the law. Not censuring Trump, not acknowledging he is legally charged is a disgrace to their office and oath of office. As ridiculous as it seems, the immigrants fleeing for the US for asylum would uphold the constitution more fervently and righteously than the craven, illegitimate Republicans who are in the Trump abyss, fearful and cowering to lose power. SHAMEFUL AND DISGUSTING POLITICAL ACTORS SUPPORTING CRIMES. That is political. They are political. They can't give up their power; that's political.
Politics is not cause for breaking the law. What Republicans and the RNC do is political. AND, it is illegal. They are breaking the law. They are accomplices to Trump in the commission of fraud in agreeing and supporting him saying he won the 2020 election. That is a lie. That is fraud. Furthermore, the RNC and Trump PACs continue to fund raise off this fraud and scamming of the public. He lost. He says he won. The Republicans say it's a witch hunt. The legal system and the RICO conspiracy charges are fact. There are witnesses. The entire country was and is witness to Trump's furtherance of crimes and behavior still to overthrow the 2020 election. That is against the law. The Georgia indictment spells out clearly what Trump and the co-defendants did breaking the law. It is not political. They tried to call fraud when there was none. Indeed, they are the fraud. Trump's lies are fraud. He fund raises off fraud. So does the RNC. The RNC and Republicans are accomplices to the fraud a criminal act.
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The preeamble to the constitution which represents our laws. Trump/Republicans/co-defendants can't abide by the constitution and continually violate their oaths. |
The Republicans must be charged with being accomplices to DJT's defrauding the electorate because they support him. They are a part of the conspiracy. They must be charged as part of the RICO conspiracy on a superseding indictment. Unprecedented? Of course. In the history of this nation such a thing has not happened on this scale and must be charged on this scale. Either the Republicans shut their mouths and silently support Trump, or their speech is not protected because it is in the furtherance of the crime to defraud the citizens of a lie to get money and also to prevent Trump going to jail for his crimes.
Republicans must be charged as co-defendants in the states where there was a submission of false electors as they continue to support DJT. Furthermore, the 14th amendment must be used to sanction Republicans who are accomplices and possible co-defendants in the RICO conspiracy in their furtherance of Trump's and co-defendants' crimes with their speech and active support and donations to the RNC. Their speech is not protected when it is in the furtherance of a criminal who has been charged with illegal acts. That he has violated his former presidential oath of office by obstructing the peaceful transfer of power and soliciting officials to break their oaths of office to the constitution in the furtherance of fraud, should disqualify him campaigning ever again for president. He is unfit, derelict, negligent, criminal in not upholding his oath of office, spreading lies, defrauding the voters and attempting to steal the election, while pointing the finger at the Democrats who stole NOTHING.
The fraud was all on Trump's side and his co-defendants. All 19 of them have been charged by the DA Fani Willis of Georgia. This is not political. He and they committed crimes, for the sake of keeping power. They are political. They are on a witch hunt by threatening the DA and the Grand Jury witnesses. This is not a joke. Trump, et. al. broke the law. Speaking out and continuing to violate the law with speech that is in furtherance of a crime does nothing to help any of their cases that will be tried in a court of law. As it is in the court of public opinion, most of the voting nation is against what Trump and the co-defendants did breaking the law. These are indicted. They either turn themselves in or they will be arrested. They are going to trial. As of August 26, 2023 all have turned themselves in and for the first time in US History, a former president has a mug shot of him that was the shot against the criminal, would be despot that is heard around the world.
If the Republicans think that they can laugh and shout and carry on that Trump is innocent and that he won the 2020 election, then they should be apprised of their rights to remain silent. They are incriminating themselves as is the RNC by fundraising off #TheBigLie and Trump's PACS fundraising off defrauding the public.They support fraud? Then charge them as accomplices to fraud.
Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy is an accomplice and is supporting DJT in his furtherance of crimes by not coming out and stating he lost 2020 and the Capitol riot was a disgrace. |
Trump's silence when his supporters, who he summoned to the Capitol, threatened the life of VP Mike Pence is an additional crime of attempted assassination. He supported their action by saying nothing and allowing the riot to continue. That is negligent heart murder because people were killed. He is responsible. If he accepted Joe Biden's win, no one would have been rioting. Because he and his co-defendants refused to accept that he lost, those 7 people died on his summoning.
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The rioters wanted to assassinate VP Mike Pence for not saying the 2020 election was fraudulent. |
Read the Georgia indictment courtesy of Michael Moore on Rumble file:///C:/Users/carol/Dropbox/PC%20(2)/Downloads/CRIMINAL-INDICTMENT-Trump-Fulton-County-GA(1).pdf
More indictments are coming-against additional co-conspirators and accomplices. All of them Republican.
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