
Saturday, August 14, 2021

Cuomo Report by Investigators Joon Kim and Ann Clark Overseen by AG Letitia James is Biased, Defamatory, Unworthy of Democrats

Rita Glavin's YouTube presentation about the investigation into Governor Cuomo by Joon Kim and Ann Clark, overseen by AG Letitia James, is nothing short of exculpatory. For days, the media 24/7 uplifted New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's "sexual harassment of various women." Headlines stated that the investigation found him "guilty." This is libelous, slanderous and calumnious. The governor was not on trial. He is not indicted. And no criminal charges had been filed. Indeed, one of the women's lawyers would not refer them to the Sheriff's Office. When he didn't, someone else did.


However, the slanders, lies, obfuscations and distortions were meant to make life so difficult for Governor Cuomo that he would resign. Democrats clamored and caterwauled and hooted and hollered. It was so loud and egregious, he finally did resign. And everyone shut up. They had gotten what they wanted. They have left it to late night comics to further perpetuate the slanders, libels and calumny.

                    Governor Andrew Cuomo announces his resignation (Governor's website)

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

The fact remains that New Yorkers are left in the shadows. Many did not want him to resign. The contrast with Republicans like Trump, Gaetz, Kavanaugh, Justice Thomas, "Gym" Jordan, Madison Cawthorne and many more over the years is deafening. They have done much worse, than was falsely alleged about Cuomo. As the irrational clamor grew without substantiation or evidence presented, just allegations, many New Yorkers suspected a hatchet job by a combination of Republicans and Democrats, using the women as their tools, a form of abuse to them and demeaning of the #metoo movement. 

The most jarring calls were from Democrats who wanted him out. We are left with questions about the backroom politics, the chicanery, malfeasance, injustice and vengeful smear campaign which has effected a coup to dispose of a great leader who kept New Yorkers safe through the worst pandemic we've seen in a century: a pandemic which the ruling party of Republicans abdicated containment of to the states. This time the coup is by Democrats on trumped up accusations with little credible proof that corroborates the women.

The Governor has not been a sexual harasser like Republicans. He is not even a sexual harasser as underscored by Attorney Rita Glavin's point by point explanation of the incomplete, preconceived and shoddy "report" by Letitia James' office which was a rush to judgment. Attorney Glavin discusses the background nature of the events that brought us to this place in time. These include vengeance, spite, malice, Republican and Democratic politics and Democrat's pushing forth their "Holiness brand." 

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

The allegations began with lying Lindsey Boylan (who ran for Manhattan Borough President and lost). To smear the governor, she threatened that a witness must change his testimony. Glavin states that Boylan said that Cuomo said, "Let's play strip poker," which the witness denied. Because he called it a lie, Boylan threatened to smear him to coerce him to smear Cuomo. In other words, this upstanding woman who wants to run for office, witness tampered. Then, to secure her vengeance, she beat the bushes day and night to find females who might support her smear campaign. She even called for them to come forward frequently using free media coverage (in the vein of Trump). Her mission was revenge because the Governor didn't support her. 

Indeed, the Governor was right not to support a vengeful, spiteful liar who would stop at nothing to vilify another for political purposes. She should be sued for defamation of character and calumny by Cuomo, who can call up the witness who she threatened to testify. This represents the antithesis of #metoo, in fact represents a #hetoo! Her plan most probably backed by Republicans and Democrats alike, was to search high and low for women to take down the governor on sexual harassment charges. 

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report. After Beverly Camisso took a selfie with the governor and posted it on Social, her friend Alyssa McGrath said, "I'm jealous." The next photo below, McGrath's jealousy was assuaged with a photo of the two of them (Governor's website)

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website) Left is Beverly Camisso and right is her friend Alyss McGrath who got her picture with the governor. Camisso provided contradictory and uncorroborated testimony about the groping incident.

It was slim pickings, however. The testimony of the women to appear credible had to be skewed, distorted and fabricated, and even then it doesn't rise to the level of harassment. It was rather like old world political behavior after the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson who kissed, back-slapped and was touchy feelie with men and women, like a glad handing politician was then, like Chuck Schumer is now and like Joe Biden was until a woman screamed at him and accused him of sexual harassment which was quickly forgotten by the DNC, along with other untoward allegations against Cuomo (the women who said he came on to her, QAnon allegations of pedophilia).

New Yorkers who supported and voted for the Governor stood with him through the initial allegations screamed out daily in the press with furious increasing enumerations. Interestingly, Lindsey Boylan lost, receiving a vote of no confidence by New Yorkers who "got" her "campaign." And few will vote for her in the future. Her actions speak for themselves. She is not to be trusted; Glavin gives evidence to this effect. Listen to Glavin on YouTube.

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report. (Governor's website)

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report. (Governor's website)

As a result of their actions in writing the narrative and clamoring and screaming for Cuomo to resign, Joon Kim and possibly the Lieutenant Governor and Letitia James and Bill De Blasio and others who were vengeful against Cuomo, do not have the confidence of New Yorkers. This entire episode of not supporting the governor to allow him to respond indicates their bias, and strongly indicates their malice toward him. Together with the other Democrats, though they say they look for justice, if they can't met it out with a member of their own party to allow them to respond when accused, they cannot be trusted with anyone else, least of all citizens. 

Democrats took the low ground with a great ally of Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ, the Disabled, indeed all groups underrepresented by the Republican party. They did this injustice for questionable reasons. In their rush to judgment and blanket condemnation vitiating Cuomo's attempt to respond, all of them are even more untoward and backward then the spurious allegations of harassment leveled against Governor Cuomo. 

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

Globally, millions watched as Governor Cuomo mentored that taking the swab test was not something to be afraid of. He joked beforehand that the doctor looked good in the gown. I didn't know that I was watching sexual harassment. I was thankful that the governor joked in a nervous situation to encourage the hesitant to get a COVID test to monitor the infection rate. Sexual harassment? This doctor was one of the infamous "11" written up as sexual harassment by Kim and Clark in their narrative gone off the rails to "convict" the governor in the media. Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

I guess I am used to allegations like those made by the victims of Kavanaugh, Thomas, Gaetz, Trump, Roy Moore, Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and other charges that have arisen during #metoo. The Cuomo allegations do not rise to any level of credibility because in the report, there is little proof given. The report is not the point. The point is the conclusion, which was "guilty."  Those who wrote the report did not intend for the press to investigate and read it. The lame media wanted to spread their "guilty" titillations simply because of what they implied: the governor was a "perve." Indeed, by not allowing the truth to be told, only the allegations, the media proves itself corrupt, wanton, lying, manipulated and paid off in a perversion of justice and extreme bias. 

Just like in the Mueller Report, the result was the point for the media to run with it, the antithesis of investigative journalism. Getting ahead of the report, Barr made up his own summary and "exonerated" Trump  a lie. As in that instance parallel to this, the lie was blathered in the media. The truth was buried for over a year and getting at it has been like digging for gold in the Artic without equipment and a compass.

Unless you actually read the transcripts that had to be released from their redactions you believe the corrupted media lies. Trump committed impeachable offenses as Robert Mueller later stated when the media lied about the report. Likewise, the "guilty Cuomo" in the headlines is the point. That no one will read the report to see how shoddy, incomplete, biased, discriminatory and defamatory it is, is also the point. 

Investigator Ann L. Clark who wrote a damning narrative of guilt that is shoddy, incomplete and skewed against the governor with conflicting details, omitted evidence and testimony as per Rita Glavin's credible presentation on YouTube. ( 

What is worse, of the 179 testimonies taken of which only 41 are reported (because they are negative) the other 138 testimony transcripts which most probably are positive, supporting that witnesses never saw or heard any harassing behavior by Cuomo, are omitted from the report. And Kim and Clark refuse to give those transcripts to Glavin, though she has repeatedly requested them. Thus, Kim and Clark omitted 77% of the testimony transcripts from the report and chose 23% which is less than 1/4 of those interviewed. And of the testimony transcripts reported, they were twisted to serve Kim's and Clark's personal agenda over the welfare of New Yorkers. This is doubly so when the Delta variant numbers are rising and the infection rate is worse than this time last year because CDC guidance and President Biden are afraid to declare a mask mandate because it is partisan. Cuomo was never afraid of the RED STATE MAGAS, the NY KKK, insurrectionist and QAnon Biden hater Elise Stefanik, the Proud Boys or any thugging groups who protested his mandates. That is the problem. Cuomo is beyond cowardice and the QAnon control.

Taking this into consideration, Cuomo must sue for defamation and get his day in court. The media has prosecuted him, tried him and unjustly sentenced him to oblivion, as Rita Glavin and others, even Rudy Guiliani, have suggested.

Seque about the Southern District of New York where Joon Kim was once a prosecutor hell bent on "getting" Cuomo (like Trump and others). Barr vitiated all the investigations against Trump in the Southern District of New York. Supposedly Barr was looking into Ron Kim's nursing home allegations and wacked numbers smearing Cuomo. But Trump was the one responsible with overwhelming deaths from his COVID botch job. The nursing homes weren't a slimy enough allegation since the Republicans advocated no vaccinating, and no wearing masks or protecting the elderly. The reason why it couldn't stick was that Cuomo tried to make the elderly safe; Republicans told the elderly to sacrifice themselves for the economy and die (see my previous article). Trump and Republicans are easily identifiable as COVID KILLERS. Cuomo saved lives. As much as Boylan, Kim, Clark and others hate to admit it, especially since they are negligent incompetents who can't lead out of a paper bag, Cuomo brought the infection rate from the highest in the world to the lowest, daily encouraging New Yorkers to do all those things which Trump and Republicans refused to do (get tested, wear masks, get vaccinated).

If not for Cuomo's daily briefings and instructions, the COVID infection rates that were the highest in the world would have killed many more people. His encouragement, wisdom and his brilliant team held New York, the nation and the world uplifted. This cannot be diminished by false allegations and a twisted narrative by little minds and hungry ghosts who are vengeful and filled with hate. New Yorkers remember and so do those across the world who wonder at the likes of this smear campaign.

Kim, Ron Kim and his like-minded cabal of Democrats and Republicans needed something more salacious than nursing homes since Barr's investigation was blown up because Barr was blown up. Lindsey Boylan and perhaps those in the Southern District where he attempted to investigate Cuomo for years finally provided a venue that would sully him. They came up with the notorious "11" women (one of whom was the gowned doctor who gave him the swab test in view of millions watching globally).

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

Supporting the defamatory, one-sided report without even reading it, Democrats cannot be trusted. Their calls for Cuomo to resign prove why he needed to establish Executive Powers to martial forces to combat COVID. The other incompetents wouldn't work with him to bring down the infection rate; they would have been negligent obstacles. He selected a brilliant team. They worked with him. And he rallied the most sensate and smartest of congressmen and senators to stand by him to protect New Yorkers (Hakeem Jeffries, Leroy Comrie, Andrea Stewart Cousins, Carl Heastie). 

It is clear, those who voted down his move to have Executive Power are the same negligent, malfeasant and malicious group who called for his resignation. They put their own venal hatreds and political agendas first, and damn New Yorkers' lives. Governor Cuomo knew that. It is why he was forced to give himself Executive Power to bring down the infection rate to .1% from the highest in the world and keep it low, which he did until the September holidays. (This year the infection rate is higher with the Delta variant than last year, and I doubt that Hochul knows what to do to lower it as Cuomo did).

Ron Kim and Boylan are the epitome of the hungry ghost psychotic politicians who mirror the vengeful Donald Trump. They are willing to sacrifice New Yorkers for the sake of "getting" Cuomo. It is a THING, especially with Kim, the congressman. It is downright pornographic that he has a Jones for character assassinating Cuomo. To defame Cuomo over New Yorkers well being because of some psychotic urge is egregious. As justification, he points the finger at Cuomo as a bully. 

Attorney Rita Glavin presenting a response to the one-sided findings in the report (Governor's website)

How laughable. Joon Kim in his behaviors toward Cuomo over the years has bullied, stalked and indeed sought to molest and harass Cuomo. Kim is a regular Javert from Les Miserables, only without the nobility of cause. Too bad he doesn't put that same pornographic urge toward Trump who truly is deserving of excoriation and indictment for his jeopardizing the nation with his COVID botch job and minimizing it as a hoax, his advocating killing the elderly with herd immunity (before vaccination) his financial malfeasance, quid pro quos, insurrection to overthrow Joe Biden's win supported by QAnon Elise Stefanik and his admitted sexual pussy grabbing, rape, sexual molestation, etc.

Now, Kim has won. He must be leaping for joy! His investigation is a hatchet job to oust his long time enemy. Such behavior is not worthy of the Democratic Party. Nor is Ron Kim's going on Fox News to excoriate Cuomo. NYPD Sergeant Steven Lee should have won. He most probably would have proved himself more worthy, than to enact unethical, malfeasant and anti-investigatory behavior. Cuomo should sue him, Boylan, James and others for defamation, liable and slander in addition to congressional malfeasance and misconduct in allowing false allegations to be narrated and represented as though they were unimpeachable and credible.

John L. Lewis who Cuomo admired was a towering example of a Congressman who would not stoop to such machinations as Boylan, RonKim and other Democrats have enacted. The report is a defamatory, one-sided disgrace that Democrats must call down and reveal what happened and why.

Ousting Cuomo comes at a price to the reputation of the Democratic Party. These events with James, Kim, Boylan and Democrats' malice and injustice toward the governor make them exactly like Republicans in fostering their own vengeful agendas and putting themselves first. Governor Cuomo protected us. The other Democrats would have us sacrificed for themselves. Democrats are not to be countenanced accepting lies, distortions, false allegations to coup a popular governor and make him so discredited for 8 days, he was unable to respond. They know better; Republicans have smeared them and lied on them. Now they do the same to members of their own party?  When they didn't support him, when they told him to resign, they betrayed themselves, the justice the party is supposed to stand for and the sound, progressive leadership of Cuomo.

Why is no one investigating behind the investigation by Kim, Clark and their influencers, Democrats as well as Republicans? New Yorkers deserve an explanation why a competent and skilled leader who helped other states get up the necessary testing programs while Trump and Republicans sat and did nothing, is out on harassment charges that are flimsy and hyperbolic at best and outright lies, contradictions and distortions at worst. Regardless, these do not, according to Glavin rise to the level of the report's conclusion which is spurious, because allegations are not proof. Evidence is proof.

Did the investigators show brilliant skill and in-depth analysis as they pieced together witness corroboration, triangulations of time, place, testimony and solid evidence to prove that the Governor did indeed harass the women as the report specified? Nope. Watch Rita Glavin's YouTube presentation and listen carefully. This was a three month rush to judgment so that folks could get their campaigns up and running for the governorship. New Yorkers are not stupid. Whether agreed upon by Republicans and Democrats, those who plan to run for the governorship are not beyond reproach. And those in power during this debacle of investigatory malfeasance, who obviously want the governor out because they did nothing to stop it, look vengeful, ignorant, negligent and incompetent, even more so than Republicans, for whom this malfeasant investigation is heaven sent and surely partially supported and funded (though I have no proof).

The investigation was not worthy of the ethos of the Democratic Party, a tragedy.

Why is the investigation malfeasant? Because only one side was investigated, and cursorily at that. There was no evidence. No corroboration. No supporting testimony. Just allegations. And then the allegations have contradictory information, for example the date of the supposed groping. Two dates were given. This is most probably so because there is no eye-witness testimony of the woman (Camisso) being in the mansion when she alleged the governor scared her and slammed the door, a lie. The other date, she was under observance constantly and was writing a speech. Why did she lie? Who forced her to lie? Was she paid off to lie about the governor in this smear campaign? Is she a dupe of forces ranging against him? And if she comes forward to the press and tells them the backstory, will they print it? If she goes to Senator Schumer or Gillibrand and tells them she felt coerced to incriminate Governor Cuomo, will they listen to her? Or is it in their best interests to let Cuomo die a death? Democrats must look into the report. Or they are not to be trusted.

Because Democrats called for his resignation without reading the report, without examining the way it was written up, they assumed he was guilty. Democrats give New Yorkers the impression that they are happy and this serves their purpose. Serve up Cuomo and they can join with Republicans and be bi-partisan. Except, in their behavior, from the liars like Lindsey Boylan to the vengeful, like Joon Kim, to the #metoo hypocrites Kirsten Gillibrand and touchy feelie Chuck Schumer, Democrats have erred. Where are the Democrats who still support him like me and all in my sphere of acquaintance, friends and family, save my family members in Florida who think DeSantis and Trump are the macho men to be like.

Not standing with Cuomo damns Democrats more than he is damned by twisted allegations. It proves them to be lazy, shoddy, sanctimonious, negligent and self-serving. That Democrats did not come out and say that the report was a rush to judgment and that they had to look it over before supporting it, damns them. It also damns Letitia James. If this is an example of her investigatory overseeing (she also got the nursing home investigation wrong, or rather Ron Kim, once again, got it wrong) she is negligent and incompetent.

She does not have my vote for Governor if she runs. If I were a betting person, I would bet she does along with those Democrats like De Blasio and the socially distanced from Cuomo... Lieutenant Governor Hochul. The investigators Kim, Clark and James must be called into question. Their investigatory skills, acceptance of lies, missed dates, incomplete testimony, shoddy mishandling of information and vitiation of one side that corroborates the falsehoods of the women, cannot be allowed to stand. It blackens the Democrats who called for his resignation, divides New Yorkers and discredits the investigators for their hatchet job, bias, predetermined result and encouraged unjust character assassination of Cuomo in the media. 

The media, too, must be held to account and sued for defamation, like Dominion is suing Fox News for defamation. The media's irresponsible presentation of lies, misinformation, bias, discrimination and defamatory libel and slander must be reckoned with. They can't make the excuse that they just presented what the report said. They didn't even question any of it which is bias in the extreme and rises to libel, slander, calumny and defamation. Certainly, Cuomo's career has been grievously damaged by the slander, libel, calumny and defamation.

Two questions come to mind. Why was Cuomo  treated so abominably when he saved lives, leading New Yorkers through the worst pandemic in a century? See my previous articles on how Republicans actually spread it and killed many more seniors in nursing homes by allowing the infection rates in their states to remain high. Second question, who benefits from this character assassination besides Republicans? And I'll suggest one more question: did quid pro quos occur and did Bit Coin or dark money change hands? If I were a betting woman and I'm not, I bet yes. Follow the money.

                The ideals represented here are not to be trashed by political expediency by callow, hateful and wicked politicians. Yet they are for the sake of greed, power and personal weakness.

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