
Monday, March 1, 2021

DJT is the Enemy of the American People as of January 6, 2021: Trump's Treason and Negligent, Depraved Heart Murder, UPDATES

Covid 19 molecule (courtesy CDC)
FIRST PUBLISHED ON Saturday, April 18. UPDATE MARCH 1, 2021.  Covid 19 is welcoming donors. No, these are not donors to food banks. These donations aren't being made to hospitals. Nor are they for medical supplies to soldiers on the front lines of the Covid War (nurses, doctors, food workers, postal service employees) who risk their lives and die keeping American citizens safe and alive.

These specialty donors are wealthy members of the Federalist Society. They are conservative, right-wing anarchists. They despise democracy and the rule of law which protect the American people in a national security crisis like the COVID pandemic. The wealthy are proponents of right-wing media lies which support Trump against governors who are safeguarding American citizens and front line soldiers.

Armed leader in Lansing, Michigan insurrection (courtesy of the site)
Say what? The wealthy right-wing are invoking a war against the American people. They are funding the armed clueless to protest the quarantining in Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota. Encouraged by Trump tweets, armed crowds show up because the economy is faltering with only essential workers out there protecting the populace and everyone else sheltering at home.

Organizing their right-wing media (Fox, Breitbart, RT, Sputnik, Daily Stormer, Rush Limbaugh, etc.) they coordinate by sending an inundation of email blasts to Republicans. They post articles on social media fueled by GRU, SVR, FSB, Russian Military Intel soc puppets and troll farms. Putin hates/fears Biden because of his former policies against Russian hegemony and encouragement of democracy in the Ukraine. Biden, Clinton, Obama help to Ukraine is against Putin/Trump who are enemies of US democracy and the constitution. Any surprise if you look at how Trump defies the checks and balances of the constitution in Article 1? He has vitiated the constitution by nullifying congressional oversight, thereby ending those powers with the help of Mitch McConnell. A very communist Putin action.

(courtesy of the media)
Instead of helping coordinate a massive apolitical effort to end the pandemic by donating the millions they received in tax breaks from the failed administration bailouts to correct the negligent, dilatory Trump response, they war against taxpayers treasonously. With this money they conduct an Erik Prince styled black ops campaign against decent, family values. "Love God as yourself and love thy neighbor as yourself" has been trashed.

Michigan insurrection against staying safe (courtesy of Buzzfeed)
The Red/GOP/TRUMPIST campaign throws away these Christian values. It misdirects and confuses Christians now more than ever. It bastardizes words like "freedom" by misinterpreting and conflating freedom with anarchy and political insurrection, endangering citizens and soldiers on the front line. A child knows the difference between the freedom to choose responsibility with violations of the rules set up to protect everyone. With freedom comes even more responsibility to "do the right thing." So... The billionaire conservatives are using the terrorist Covid 19 with Trump as their champion as they remain safe behind the mansions, expansive forest-green gardens and havens in low COVID-19 countries and states like Hawaii.

Trump, calls himself "a Wartime president" fighting COVID-19. But he leads the charge stripping protections, which correlates to taxpayers dying of the disease, especially the elderly which Republicans target with herd immunity and "breathing the air." So what if seniors have to die for the economy. It's all good, except for seniors and their mourning families. And he does this in the name of Wall Street and his bottom line. He and the RNC instigate the demands to go back to work prematurely. He and the RNC incite black ops to protest for "freedom from quarantine." Additionally, he provokes others to protest with emotion. For his corporate donors' bottom line and his election fantasies, he selfishly ignores the facts of the infection spread and its dire consequences.

Confusion of civil rights vs. responsibilities liability, to spread Covid to Michigan taxpayers (courtesy of Bussfeed)
Do the duped even know what they protest? Welcoming disease and death into their families conflating protection guidance with fascism? Let them spend a day in the ICU of a Queens hospital. Let them experience 2 weeks fighting COVID-19 at home, unable to be tested because they don't have enough of the "right" symptoms. Let them go to FB and join "Survivor Corps" to read some of the testimonies of those who have it, are in a hellish nightmare and are trying to get to the next day.

Michigan Gov. Whitmer (courtesy of the site)
For all the furor to "open" the country by red states and Trumpists," opening is an illusion. The country never closed properly. However, to see a great template, watch the states like New York who paused, allowing essential workers and services, (grab and go, big box stores, the MTA, utilities) and others who could socially distance properly, to stay open.

Red states like the Dakotas and some in the South never completely shifted to just essential workers. They allowed church services, beaches, tourist areas, businesses to remain "open." The benefit of this has been that nursing home deaths have seen an exponential rise of COVID-19 positives. Those with co-morbidities who are now in ICUs in hospitals are on respirators waiting to live or die. A larger percentage of males continue to come down with the disease and are scarred for life after surviving it. Or they die.

The only instance where this has been curtailed is in the states that attempt to shelter in from spreading the disease, by closing down to all but essential services. This act of mitigation, if coupled with testing and monitoring, works to identify the invisible disease, treat it and have the population build up antibodies and immunity though they are still scarred if they had it. At this point only New York has committed to an adequate response thanks to the frenetic and, for Republicans, horrifically effective due diligence of New York's Governor Cuomo. Ironically, Trump rides Cuomo's coattails using the successes of Cuomo's incredible team without seeming to learn anything about how or why their success has been achieved.

On a spiritual and human level, it has been Cuomo's Godly concern to put life above money that has won New Yorkers over. It has been his commitment to swiftly gear up the medical system to provide healthcare to the suffering as equitably as possible. It has been his daily encouragement to inspire New Yorkers to be Godly, to care for their neighbors as they care for themselves. With prayer and the collaboration of hundreds, he has appealed to New Yorkers' and Americans' finer natures to prevent others catching COVID-19 through a "pause." The pause, as Italy's practice has taught New Yorkers, decreases the community spread of COVID-19, and decreases the likelihood that the elderly in and out of nursing homes will die.

It is the least that can be done for the heroes on the front lines who have watched young and old die, who have lost seniors and teens on their watch and who have experienced great joy when one is pulled off the respirator to regain consciousness and then battle the scars COVID-19 has left on their bodies in the aftermath. The level of rehabilitation required after suffering this disease is a subject the media rarely deals with.

New York Governor Cuomo (courtesy of the website)
Cuomo, not to compare him with Trump because there is no earthly comparison, appears made for such a crises where life and death battle in real time. Trump has let the reality of death "wash over" everybody else but him, as the death toll extends upward in a horrific number heading toward the number of those who died in the Viet Nam War (in this update it is soaring past 100,000). UPDATE: as of March 1, 2021 Worldometer US stats are at 525,000. And this is in a mere one month and three days (he began with his task force on March 15). 
How many more will die if he allows the states to "gain freedom" to kill each other with COVID-19 as Americans move with carefree abandon across the nation, unquarantined? How many more will die if they continue to spread the disease, and, as the wealthy suggest Trump do, "ride that bitch to the bottom" delivering a "herd immunity" that may not exist or only exist in part and for a limited time with some? UPDATE The dead will most likely exceed THE CIVIL WAR DEAD of 675,000 as the domestic terrorist former president encouraged a Civil War between the RNC=QAnon and everyone else.

Cuomo has clarified to "open," one must be prudent and follow first with essential businesses and a maximum potential for social distancing. His overarching goal is to "do no harm." This requires a stepping up of the Federal government to test, contact trace and monitor (requiring a small army) to shut down if the spread increases threatening hospital capacity. The governor has also daily pleaded in the name of Republican and Democratic governors, to fund the states and assist them in their herculean efforts to triumph over this disease and save lives, especially those most vulnerable in nursing homes.  
UPDATE: The Democratic President Biden and the Democratic House and State are going to pass the Recovery Bill which will be giving the states the much needed funds, almost a year later.

Facebook post for Mt. Sinai donations to get PPE and other materials to help front line workers (courtesy of Mr. Sinai)
 First, the facts of the spread as the economy is "opened" must be assessed. But facts of the spread are impossible without testing. How can one gauge the spread without knowing who is positive, who is asymptomatic, who has antibodies and is immune for a time? Trump has been deaf to all the governors' cries. He looks to be drowning in this pandemic, nostalgic for a receding past that he wishes to magically make reappear again with the country's "opening." The past with Trump's booming economy will not appear in the next few months as long as COVID-19 rages in the land. You can't open an economy with sick people dying in the streets and in overwhelmed hospitals.

How can the dying keep the economy functioning? Check the failures of previous pandemics. How well do the living function to work during a pandemic which comes in wave after wave until a vaccine is found? How do the diseased function? Like Trump? For three years we have seen the horror of his mental infirmity running things. Trump took credit for the soundness of Obama's well built economy while blaming Obama for every misery created under the sun. Too bad he didn't heed Obama's pandemic response team. I wouldn't be writing this and Trump wouldn't be crying about losing "the greatest economy in the history of the world," a fantastical hyperbole which only a few in the nation benefited from because it never was. Under Trump the poor remained poorer and Main Street suffered before COVID-19. Now? That time recedes and Wall Street has lost trillions if anyone admits it.
Fear of Wall St. tanking caused Trump's inaction, The Storied Bull of Bowling Green (courtesy of the site)
As has been recorded in previous blog posts, Trump's dilatory, negligence in not deploying the military to direct the war effort has led to Trump's failure and increased infection spread. Currently, FEMA desperately tries to steal covertly bought supplies from various states. Because of lack of coordination and directed control by Trump's executive, states are forced to bid against each other and the federal government to purchase supplies from China. Trump refuses to delegate to the military the control of supply purchasing and supplyline distribution to the states. Because Trump only uses the executive branch to protect himself from indictment and cover-up of crimes, he can't see his way clear to employ massive executive power for the public good.
UPDATE: The country overwhelmingly voted against Trumpism, QAnon, the Putin controlled RNC for President Biden who immediately instituted the DPA to gear up production of everything from PPE to the vials for the vaccines which are now flooding every state in the US, and promise to be in the arms of all Americans who want them by August. It's only been 1 month Biden has been in office.

All in his administration are to blame; none has the power to convince him to be presidential and strong in this crisis. Trump is too distracted about losing the election to worry about heroism now in this time when courage and being accountable and proactive would most serve.
At a rally for his presidency without logic or rationality about Covid pandemic (courtesy of Fox)
But to apply effective, organized leadership to stop the spread and save lives is not Trump's priority; the American people never were his priority. His wallet was the priority. He plans to win four more years with money. But even the wealthy get tired of throwing money into a money pit. They have eyes to see the economy will not return like it was. Better they short that Wall Street bitch into the abyss, then buy on the uptick. But the market will take years to come back. Bleeding the taxpayer and inflating our money supply is another downer for the wealthy whose bottom line will shrink regardless. All our money will purchase much less. Sucks for all of us. Super sucks for Trump. COVID-19 has taken him by the tail and spun him around like its monkey. If he had only acted in early January to stop and contain this virus.

As I write this, as crowds drive and walk to the De Santis opened beaches in Jacksonville, Florida, COVID-19 stops for no one; it keeps on debilitating and killing. How many of these will end up with the virus and spread it to others?

Trump's insubstantial rallies which self-aggrandize and misinform, do nothing to mollify a frightened, escapist-leaning public. At his "briefings" Trump rides the coattails of Cuomo's success and applies Cuomo's flattening of the curve to every other state in the nation. This is a misdirection. The other states have been unable to "do their homework" with enough testing. Nevertheless, employing Cuomo's results, Trump attempts to justify HIS opening of the economy, supposedly leaving it up to the states.

Jacksonville, Florida opened beaches, saw record turnout of deaf, dumb and blind (courtesy f the website)
Behind the scenes, imagine the phone calls to red state governors whose help he needs to "open." Indeed, South Dakota, to the peril of the dying in nursing homes and the COVID-19 carriers in a meat processing plant, has never "closed." That, along with a few other states where governors have left their states "open," is disastrous. Without a sheltering in place order, the spread of the disease will expand geometrically. As time passes, the hot spots will engulf all of the nation as Cuomo and Fauci predicted at the outset.

Fox News has never left off its lies about COVID 19. Car accidents, falls in tubs, the flu, cancer, overdoses, yada yada are worse killers. This is an extension of the virus is a "hoax." Their lies are crimes of negligence.

Covid is 10X deadlier. To the addled-minded like Trump, who does not understand the disease as he demonstrates dementia, COVID-19's impact is its terrorism to use the human body as its vector silently through asymptomatics. It creeps in its spread from 1 to 3 to 9, with every person potentially infecting another 3 people if the first case is asymptomatic. Asymptomatics are the fiercest shedders of contagion. Where are they? How does one test for them?

(courtesy of Fox)
Because Fox watchers cannot tell truth from a lie and because they have no patience to understand, wrongly, they associate the disease with density, cities and New York. They are the last to listen to Cuomo, though in the off hours, the hosts of Fox and Trump get their news from Cuomo learning a lot and calming down in their fears of catching this plague.

We see the fruits of Fox if we have lately seen the protestors on the steps of Michigan's capital. They appear on the news and in FB posts. Most probably the leaders without masks have tested negative for Covid. How did they get the tests in this time when tests are scarce? If you are Trump-connected with money, you can get a test and plenty of PPE, and N95 masks though they appear boldy with AR 15s and no masks. If you would appear in crowds, you should be tested daily or must have an antibody test which may prove immunity.The problem is immunity is uncertain.

Governor Ron De Santis of Florida (courtesy of the site)
So even the black ops leaders take a risk? Have they been well paid to lead protests? The other people  in the photos, the overweight white men and women with probable co-morbidities, some holding confederate and Nazi flags, are COVID dupes, the food of Death.

What a novel concept! Protesting protection (mitigation-sheltering in) against a pandemic which the president negligently, criminally caused! Say what? The president's negligence caused this pandemic and thousands of deaths. Yet, the president is supposedly warring against it. But then he turns around and tells states to liberate themselves, free themselves from restrictive sheltering orders that protect people against contracting COVID-19.

The War President Trump, to open the economy to get himself reelected, encourages a black op campaign against the American voters. The weapon of his destruction against the enemy (Americans on quarantine) is human bodies infected with COVID- 19 in protesting crowds. So he is employing terrorism (protestors in crowds who will infect each other) to get what he wants. What does he want? The economy to open which he equates with winning the election because wealthy supporters are losing money and they are pressuring him to go back to what was before; to get back to "normal." These donors are as deluded as he.

To what extent does the Covid 19 molecule morph (courtesy of the CDC)
The protestors, like Trump and Fox News, are living in their man-made alternate reality which is a fraud, a fake, a canard, a lie that kills. There is no going back. Cuomo discusses a "new normal" once the spread has been reduced to 1 in perhaps .5 spreading the disease. But that is guaranteed only with testing and contact tracing (monitoring who has it and who they've been in touch with) for containment. Without containment there is no guarantee the next wave won't explode and create pandemonium. Regardless, without the right equipment for the front lines to fight this war, it is ongoing especially as red states refuse to acknowledge its menacing presence threatening death, as they bow to Trump's wishes and open beaches like Ron De Santis in a state which reached 1400 new cases and over 700 deaths. (update it is much higher but they do not report the cases or deaths for fear of upsetting Trump)

The justification to open prematurely and satisfy the infected "freedom riders" of COVID all the way into the abyss is "the economy must be saved." Suicides must be prevented, Trump has suggested. Meanwhile, the millions of poor have lived with varying states of poverty their entire lives and will not commit suicide. Only the wealthy would choose suicide, than suffer the humiliation of accommodating their lifestyles to becoming middle class.
UPDATE The Michigan protests and protests in other states were a dry run. After BLM protests were quashed by Trumpers, our military illegally and Trump with tear gas and bullets, Trump organized his Trumpers, QAnon and Russian Military Intel trolls to foment an insurrection at the Capitol that killed 5 individuals, all in the name of Trump's revenge for losing the election. Kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi was on the lips of the Trumpers who wrecked the Capitol with intent. Trump approved this treason in his continued intent to kill Americans whether through this pandemic or through Charles Manson type incitement to murder, using domestic terrorist white supremacists. 

Sean Hannity, Fox host (courtesy of Fox)
On Fox, while speaking from the security of daily COVID-19 self-testing, the pundits (Hannity, Brit Hume, politicians, church leaders, faux doctors-Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil) (update on 5/23/20 now Fauci and Birx after a campaign to discredit them) have adjured that the economy must be "opened." They have stated that they would sacrifice their lives so the "young" might live. For them, in the safety of access to state of the art self-testing, they imply that grandmas, parents and over sixties have lesser value. Nonna, Nonno, zia and tia, like animals who've served their purpose, should be sent to the glue factory of COVIDto save the economy.

As these FOX pundits embarrass themselves, The New York Times has published the "Red Dawn" emails exposing Trump's delay in confronting the pandemic because he feared the announcement would shake the markets. Trump negligently failed to corral and mitigate the rampaging COVID bull, by seeking to pet the bronze one at Bowling Green. Thus, he "rode that Wall Street bull" for 2  1/2 months, despite warnings to contain the spread by our Intel, W.H.O., the HHS Secretary Azar, Dr. Fauci and others.

Fearful of losing the election, fearful of Biden's campaign, fearful that a trillion dollars could be spent by donors and he would still lose, Trump did the only thing in his mind which "guaranteed" him a win:  he "saved" Wall Street and the economy meaning his wealthy donors' bottom line. Main Street was never a consideration. How a pandemic could impact Main Street and steer it toward a worse Depression than the Great Depression was the last thing he considered. He has no imagination.

Trump failed math. He doesn't read. He is reactive, not proactive. He doesn't analyze. He listens to others who tell him what he wants to hear. His capacity for logic, reason, facts and details is nil. However, he is good at fraud, lies, cover-ups, running after money, persuading wealthy donors he will give them what they want. Above all, he is great at self-deception. His biggest dupe is himself. Sadly, he is going on  3/4 of a century and he has not learned that this MO is not successful. HE IS A LOSER AND HE IS ADDICTED TO LOSING AND BANKRUPTCY. I hope I am wrong, doubt that I am. If I am right, we will have wave after wave of COVID- 19 and must prepare for the long haul.

Governor Cuomo must resist Trump and stay the course. He must do this to save lives, even if that means not budging on where we are in New York, in a pause, waiting for either Trump to deploy the military to take charge of the pandemic response, or find a miracle vaccine. Neither happened. The vaccines created by Pfizer and Moderna had been in the pipeline development for 15 years. Its sustained roll out began to happen after Biden took over the presidency.
(UNDER TRUMP Update Memorial Day weekend 2020, no DPA has been enacted to increase supplies of PPE, etc nationally and Red States opened fudging numbers. Inaccurate counts and deaths are rampant. NY is staying the course and "reopening" gradually while doing no harm...with masks and social distancing by smart, clever New Yorkers).
UPDATE March 1, 2021  Governor Cuomo continues to lead New Yorkers to mitigate the community infection spread to protect the elderly in and out of nursing homes. He has largely created his own testing and tracing system and manufacturing of supplies to support it, bypassing China or the Federal government incompetence, which reversed when President Biden got in. For his wonderful leadership in helping keep New Yorkers safe, the QAnons and Trumpers in New York (a small percentage of the 19 million New Yorkers) support Trump/RNC revenge. Trump is going to be indicted for financial crimes he committed in the state. 
As a distraction and revenge Trump/RNC/QANON/RED EXTREMIST MEDIA smear tactics against Cuomo HAVE BEEN REVERTED. The nursing home charges against Cuomo INSTEAD implicated Trump/RNC herd immunity plan to KILL SENIORS IN AND OUT OF NURSING HOMES. Cuomo's plan to stop community spread and ban herd immunity, sacrificing the old for the economy succeeded in lowering the infection rate in New York in the summer to less than 1%. For a few days, this diligence led to no deaths in New York and no nursing home deaths, revealing the effectiveness of mitigation. On the other hand Trump/RNC/QANON and herd immunity and no masking killed seniors in massive numbers which has not been noted because Trumper governors in RED STATES and RED EXTREMIST MEDIA cover the facts. Since the hypocrisy pointed out the RED STATES, now two women with political agendas who need media attention are accusing Cuomo of harassment, a TRUMPIST MO ploy to distract from TRUMP'S COMING FINANCIAL INDICTMENTS. That dog won't hunt either and the women's agendas are being exposed as I write this.

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