Organic farms are springing up in cities as they make use of green space to grow food. How does this relate to fasting? |
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The Master Cleanse is a wonderful way to de-toxify using fresh lemons, purified water and organic maple syrup B. |
Fasting is defined as withholding from eating a meal one would normally have at a particular time. It could be as extreme as having nothing to eat or drink for a day as is done with religious ceremonial tradition for Yom Kippur, or it could be as simple as not eating for one meal. Either way, fasting usually allows for drinking clean, purified water with the exception of some religious fasts. Fasting can also be as complex as using a cleanse, like The Master Cleanse for a number of days while restricting food or some other de-tox cleanse. The point is when fasting from food, it is important to drink and hydrate oneself with clean, purified water, teas or any combination of drinks preferably organic, low carbohydrate, non seltzer. Sodas like diet sodas do nothing to help the body cleanse itself and should be avoided as the contents leech out calcium, trace elements and other nutrients in the body which are irreplaceable.
Where do you fit? Hopefully, these symptoms are not yours. |
Fasting should only be undertaken by those who do not have any medical condition. That said, the US populace who suffers from some or another malady and is taking medication already is in a severe state of physical stress. The stress is exacerbated by the chemicals of the meds being put into their systems, all of which have side-effects. Additionally, there are the chemicals and toxins that their livers and kidneys have to deal with from toxic, unclean, pesticide/herbicide/GMO laden food. Then there are the environmental toxins in the air, the chlorine in the water and much more. So the caveat for these individuals would be to gradually introduce a situation where they "fast" from eating processed foods, for example. Or if they already are eating fresh fruits and vegetables and meats that are free-ranged with no antibiotics or steroids or growth hormones, then they are going to find it easier to start out by fasting one meal, just drinking clean, purified water and taking in no food.
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Tap water, unless it is filtered reverse osmosis, is not a good idea during fasting. Use purified filtered water. |
Fasting under the proper conditions, with the right purified or bottled water, mind set and time to activate its benefits is something everyone should do if they are healthy enough to do so. If they are not, entering into a fast should be performed with a nutritionist or a wholistic doctor for the right reasons.
- CLEANSING Fasting is a way to purge your body from toxins that have been accumulating for years. These toxins are from the following sources: processed foods, junk foods, chemicalized foods (i.e. meats filled with antibiotics, or washed with ammonia or GMO meats whose DNA has been tweaked to make the animal larger) vegetables sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals; as well genetically altered vegetables to serve the Monsanto or other company sold to farmers to receive roundup and other chemicals to destroy fungus and repel insects; genetically altered grains in the service of industry, not the consumer.
None of these should be used to fast. All contain sugar, a toxin that you should be cleansing from. |
- IMMUNE SYSTEM STRENGTHENING Fasting is a way to allow the body to concentrate on healing and empowering the organs toward restoration. The digestive system is the key engine of the body. Oftentimes, it is overloaded with excess food. It is overloaded with having to deal with clogs that prevent proper nutrition absorption. Such excesses are decreased to a minimum the longer the fast. When the organs are given a rest from toxin overload and are not being taxed to attempt to expel chemicals, they can restore and repair. That in turn decreases inflammation caused by chemical and toxin intake. The restoration helps the body to more easily rid the body of toxins. Less toxins taken in, less toxins need to be reworked and expelled. No toxins taken in, then the body is left to its own amazing healing parameters. When the immune system is allowed to strengthen in such a way, then one is less susceptible to bacteria. Inflammation decreases. The body becomes more alkaline, less acidic (a condition which creates inflammation) and closer to achieving a homeostatic state. Healing occurs throughout the body. And the immune system is allowed to function to break down any attacks. This is especially useful if one's own immune system attacks itself. Auto-immune system attacks decrease.
If you have not already done so, change your lifestyle to organic foods and grains before and after a fast. |
- WEIGHT LOSS Fasting is a way to lose weight. This must be monitored carefully because such weight loss becomes addictive. The more addictive the personality, the more likely for this to occur. If one is addicted to junk food, alcohol, sugar, salt, pain killers, etc., the greater the likelihood that the fast, once begun may continue despite necessity. The best way to counteract this is to remember to drink water and return to food gradually after a set period of time. The greater the desired weight loss, then fasting may be used intermittently with changing one's lifestyle of eating to organic, free-range meats and dairy and eggs. Additionally one should select organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables and few if any oils or fats in liquid form. Fats from raw nuts and seeds and avocados are preferable. Artisan cheeses are preferable. Eating less before or after a fast is desirable. Again, this must be monitored because the return to food may become problematic.
Fasting can be addictive once the initial start is conquered. You must monitor your fasting. Try intermittence. |
If you decide to fast, write down your behaviors. Read them daily. Write daily what you notice about your emotions and psyche around food. Change your behaviors if they are not working. Attempt to be balanced in your food selection once you begin eating again. Decide to fast for one meal or one day or three days. See the results after you have determined WHY you need to fast. If you are looking for long-range healing, then determine with a nutritionist what the best plan may be. Or determine this without a nutritionist. However, before and after, get a baseline of weight and bloodwork if necessary. If the fast is for more benign reasons, to restrict food intake to give your body a rest and see how you feel, then a less stringent program is useful.