Preface to all of the kind-hearted, beautifully souled, ethical, rational men
Where are the wonderful, fulfilled happy men who have beautiful, soulful relationships with their partners? There are many. We just need to hear about them. This article uplifts them with every line that duns the fascist appearance norms that such men do NOT buy into. Women who are not blind, deaf and dumb? Take heart! This trend is only for a season. Granted it has been a decades long season, however, we are becoming smarter about appearance fascism. The truth always wins out in the end. But now, to acknowledge the currency of the Trump era's appearance fascism be on notice. Like all fascism and totalitarianism it is brittle and has no solid foundation in truth.
The fascism of appearance as promulgated by Trumpism.
The Trump fascist regime of beauty and flawlessness to the exclusion of more important values screams audibly. If fascism uplifts one way to be (thin, white, non-ethnic, "beautiful," errorless) and decries ethnicity, then fascism and whiteism and the appearance that upholds this manifests the most un-American, un-patriotic ethos that Trump represents. For example uber thinness oozes from every pour of the white females represented in the WH administration (Ivanka, Hope Hicks, Kellyanne Conway, Betsey DeVos) with the exception of Sarah Huckabee whose obesity is unfathomable. However, her father Mike brings with him the shining patina of faux Christianity. Thus, the message becomes body imperfection is acceptable if the body is founded in Christianity and is Republican. Furthermore, Huckabee Sanders shows obeisance to Trump, a clear legitimacy of Trumpism. She wards off questions as if to exorcise (as in casting out devils) them from the news record. Of course all of it is on the record and her commentary is, like her boss, shamefully un-American.
Appearance fascism undergirded by Trump is threaded with male chauvinism, paternalism, misogyny. Each is useful to oppress, retain power over women and render them inconsequential. As inconsequentials, women become pliable and always at the ready to do oligarch's and chauvinist's bidding. Trump made it clear during the campaign that he loathes ugly women and this follows today with his response to the women he allegedly molested. This posture is purposeful. All know that beauty is relative and in "the eye of the beholder" except Trump, the king of beauty pageants. Trumpism promotes one kind of beauty. Over three-quarters of the American female population don't fit that Nazi "ideal" (tall, slender, bosomy, non ethnic). And 98% of the population do not resemble the "beauty" of Ivanka, Trump's prize possession who in comparison to the Hollywood pantheon of star beauty is a dwarf.
Beauty is fantasy is consumer driven. When a woman gets up in the morning and is forced to smile at herself in the mirror, especially as she ages past 35, it is a trial if she used to fit the "ideal" and has gone downhill. The culture and all of the predatory corporate flies that suck off women encourage her to feel this way. Many find this impossible to resist. Thus, women become compelled to buy makeup, get make-up tatoos (a Southern phenomenon), wear spanks, purchase oodles of flattering clothing, go for spa treatments, have lazar treatments, have physical trainers, get cosmetic surgery, get injectables, use diet pills, etc.
It is especially so for women in the following scenarios: a husband divorces for another woman; a partner leaves for a younger woman; a partner dies and afterward the wife finds viagra he never used with her and receipts from Victoria's Secret for items she never received. Without the illusion of security bestowed by the partner, can the woman beat down the fears of ageism and ugliness manifest in her wrinkles, brown spots, skin blotchiness or the gained or lost pounds during the stress of the partner's leaving? How can a woman not compare herself to the younger woman or the "other" woman? How does one stem the urge to immediately run to the cosmetic surgeon to feel better? If one does get enhancements will one feel more secure permanently? Or must they perpetually ride the wave of increasing their vigilance against time and fate's fleshly destruction by getting more surgeries?
Witness Ivanna Trump. She is becoming unrecognizable as many women do after multiple surgeries and injectables. A friend of mine after two face lifts, tummy tuck, tatooed make-up, eye lifts, mini face-lift, botox, restayline, and thousands and thousands spent on all these procedures is incredibly insecure about her looks to this day. Furthermore, she does not resemble herself when she was younger. Have her enhancements turned back the clock? Arguable. Was she more attractive before? Also arguable. She is happy about the procedures until the feeling wears off, depression sets in and she plans for the next procedure. Fear of aging conquered her and is raging more and more in her emotions and intellect. It can never cease until she is in the hands of the undertaker, and even then she will be exerting her will from the afterlife for him to make her look good.
All of the accoutrements women employ counter their insecurity about their appearance, but they don't counter their inner insecurities about their sense of worthlessness. Indeed, the more enhancements they receive, the more they cycle failure in their attainment. By its very nature, the flesh is immutable in its ability to decay. One will never be "young" again. But what is one to do in a fascist culture that depends upon women's insecurity about their looks and drives home the ethic that every woman must be "beautiful?" In this ambience, how can one fight demons of insecurity and inferiority? When one's enemy is within and it competes in a "mirror, mirror on the wall" competition with other women, the enemies are legion. Women besiege themselves and their embattled sisters 24/7 or they give up and let go of their appearance, until they've had enough of ugliness and go get a facelift or the sleeve.
Men, despite reports to the contrary predominately do not go through this unless they are gay. However, men understand women's war against themselves. They know that women internalize appearance ideals and torture themselves. The kind partners are supportive. The brutal men mine such weaknesses like a vein of gold. They use appearance ideals to attack women's self-esteem, especially if the women are brilliant and powerful.
Taken from a Pinterest site |
Can women ever be content with their appearance in a fascist society
that prizes youth and a standard of beauty that requires thinness and
perfection? No! Inevitably, unless the mores change, women will be kept off balance and unnerved, spending money
they may not have on interventions to fit the ideal. Additionally,
no amount of flattery helps a woman's soul feel better in the long run. Compliments are an insubstantial, flimsy sop, for the next day brings on new mirror
woes, a pound gained, wrinkles glaring back, brown spots widening with pant waist bands.
Without "amazing" looks, women feel worthless and purposeless. Would
they be loved by their partner if they didn't keep up? It depends. I've known men who divorced their wives for prettier women when their wives became obese. I've known women who divorced their husbands when a wealthier man steps into the picture. The behavior can increase if the man is financially independent from his wife and she is financially dependent on him. In that instance, she is forced to "keep up." The more "wealth" and self-perceived power men
have, the more they may exert their dominance and preeminence over women and
use other women to salt wounds of inferiority. No one does this
better than Trump. He has done this three times in his personal life. And he has used such fascist appearance ideals to insult both men and women.
But what happens with women who find a way to combat the paternalism, misogyny and chauvinism? What happens when women exert their equality? What happens when they refuse to be cowed by the fascist appearance standards and do not hide themselves under a rock because of their age or their not fitting the appearance ideal? They have appeared in each decade: you know the Eleanor Roosevelts, the Bella Abzugs, the Helen Kellers, the Gloria Steinems, the Hillary Clintons, the Elizabeth Warrens and others. They have not had oodles of cosmetic surgery, but have managed to retain a youthfulness in appearance with help. Theirs is an inner beauty that also shines outwardly and forestalls the incredible self-mutilation that can occur with excessive procedures.
If the women are powerful, they are excoriated. Gloria Steinem is a feminazi. Hillary Clinton is a killer, a cannibal and her foundation supports slavery and she is the most crooked human being who ever existed and certainly more thuggish than Putin. Elizabeth Warren? Pocahontas and a corrupt fraud. Eleanor Roosevelt- incredibly ugly and hated by conservatives. Bella Abzug? Another ugly feminazi. The galactic insults against Steinem, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, etc., come from conservative sites which have morphed into extreme alt-right sites that include Breitbart and Infowars and RT and Sputnik and thousands of Russian trolls and Sock Puppets who spread and spew the poop smears from St. Petersberg, fake IDs, dual-citizenship status Americans. And don't forget the bots. Millions of them.
The epithets are meant to destroy these women's credibility and wipe out what they are saying so no one listens to them. Soon, listeners can just tolerate Fox News and the alt-right and the latest general conspiracy theories because they have been propaganda chipped with closed-mindedness. The effect is that powerful women are not listened to. The switch is turned on to what pleases one's psyche. In effect such women are silenced. This is a step beyond the mantra that has abided for years. That women should shut up and be quiet, like I was told this fall by a debilitated (walking with a cane- obese), Republican I sat near at the HIFF. This New Jerseyite was a preening, self-absorbed Trump supporter who had to discuss with me his latest invention which he "shared with Trump" and which would help save the world's fossil fuel and climate problems. Right! This "brilliant" man was convinced that Trump and others would warm up to his invention; he had investors lined up.
I praised him. Did I have a choice? Women must not be powerful. They must shut up and be passive like Melania. Praise men, act the inferiors. They must not oppose oligarchs and autocrats like Trump and Putin. They must heel. This is the law of the current fascist, oligarchic movement. Naturally, that old, crippled by obesity, fascist I spoke with would embrace Trumpism in the face of his wife, a Hillary supporter, who made more money than he did.
Thus, the hurtful comments "the leader" of this nation makes about the appearance of various women who stand up to him? Like Hitler did, he speaks from an inherently fascist platform. There is only one way to be; if one is not this, then they are rejected as useless, especially if they attempt to countermand him. Such fascism is at heart cruel and infantile. It stinks of diapers. It uplifts the brutality of the unsupervised playground bully. Such a mentality and ethos Trump exudes with pride. Why does no one call him on it to his face? It is beyond my understanding.
Trumpism is about misogyny, paternalism and chauvinism. For example when the alleged leader recently stated that women are special? Cast that word as reminiscent of the vocabulary used when discussing a classroom of "special" children. In educational circles the word refers to the mentally challenged and emotionally debilitated. Indeed, that view demeans women's intellect. Whether women are brilliant or not is not in the equation of Trumpism. One never hears women referred to by him as brilliant. Only the "leader" is very smart. And that is hyperbole as the facts have borne out.
The point is women must shut up and look "amazing." Intellect, social and emotional intelligence are to be derided. Only appearance matters. And the weight had better be in the 15-19 BMI range to televise well. Yes, then beautiful women are "special." If they don't fit the ideal? They are ugly.
Weight chart. Some argue these numbers are too stringent and inaccurate. Doctors rely on these if they are consulting for lap band surgeries, sleeves and gastric by-pass surgeries. |
Backed by Republican Trumpisms this current value strips women's
intelligence and soul beauty with great intention. The MO de-energizes
powerful women so the Trumpist or Putinist can then squat over them, pee, territorialize and reign like merciless "kings." Is it any wonder
that Trump owns and presides over beauty pageants? What a galactic
personality weakness viewed as something to admire and envy by various supporters. His ego? Desperate and fearful of being
emasculated by women. His immaturity? Abysmally sandbox bully. His betrayal of self? Tragic.
Witness a few examples of Trump's denigrating comments about women. Elizabeth Warren? Pocahontas! Read up on what happened to her (not in Disney's version). Not only was he demeaning Elizabeth Warren's personal integrity and inherent power of kindness and the brilliant humanity of what she says, he demeaned Native American women and Native Americans and women. Three groups with one word. This was fascist Trumpism at its most rabid. It was effectively inhumane. Why consider anything she says? Native Americans were meant to be exterminated so we could take their rich lands. Superiority without humanity. Certain of Trump's white supremacist supporters appreciate bellicosity as strength. They are classic neo-Nazis, babies in diapers, weak-minded, weak-willed. These are the faux Christians who most probably don't akin to the the humble, loving, forgiving Christ dying on the cross for all people.
Which body fits Trumpism? Which does not? Why does it matter? |
Another example of Trumpism occurred before Trump was even thinking of being a candidate for President. It is exemplified in his treatment of Rosie O'Donnell over a decade ago. He excoriated Rosie O'Donnell and drummed her off television when she accused him of being bankrupt and indebted. Her statements were accurate. Nevertheless, he went after her personally, insulting her physical appearance and feminine stature, shredding all semblance of her respectability. The abuse was stunning. I was shocked at his abject cruelty. Obviously, she had hit a sensitive nerve about his need to be perceived as uber wealthy and powerful. I was also cued in that she was being truthful because of his insane attack against her. He was having severe money problems, during one of the four crises of his career as a lousy, scamming businessman and fraud. A patsy for the Russians to compromise with money? Yes. But he had to cover up that he wasn't as "rich" as he wanted others to believe, for money begets banking loans.
The next time I saw Rosie, she was on Youtube. The appearance and power of his "win" over her, I will never forget. Meanwhile, her truthfulness muddied by his epithets about her physical appearance, destroyed the credibility of her words about him. Then and there, Trump's fascism and gas bagging, an MO that has been useful to him, increased its ascendance. Currently, it is as high as the heavens with news outlets identifying such provable gaslighting and lies which have soared over the 2000 mark.
Fascism is useful for the small egoed to rise up the ladder of fraud with the corruption of truth. Hitler's lies were legion. He believed people didn't discern the difference between truth and a lie. Such inability of the average individual to discern paved the way for the holocaust and justified genocide.
Anorexia Nervosa has not been eliminated from the culture. What impact does appearance fascism have on this illness? |
Indeed, when a foray of accusations from Trump's sexual victims were aired in the
news, he quipped to the effect that he would never "stumpf" (my
word) or sexually harass someone like that (the victim was a fatty or ugly-his judgment, not mine). And
of course, he demeaned the other "more attractive" women as liars, and denied the
charges. Men I know (Trump supporters) applauded him. And some particularly scurrilous ones even echoed his criticisms about the women with relish on FB, also decrying them as ugly. The irony was, these men were old, fat and abjectly disgusting. In life the women they criticized would never even have given them a second glance. However, one never knows. Many off-balanced women are so hungry for any attention in this appearance fascist society, that men have the upper sway, regardless of how ugly, disgusting and obnoxious the men are. Desperate women put up with tremendous abuse. Men know this and abuse them, verbally and physically if they are bullies, just for good locker room sport. It makes them feel powerful. Most probably because mama terrorized them as babies.
Regarding the sexual predation of the women who came forward against Trump? There was no consideration about the PTSD they experienced. There was no empathy for them and there still isn't, except from women. There and now, in some circles, exists a cheering on of Trump's defiance to demean those who came forward. There was also no thought given to recognize the tremendous courage it took for these women to stand against him.
Indeed, most had been bullied and threatened. They knew the nefarious, weak and noxious nature of the man they were blowing the whistle on. And the teens who were preyed upon as a part of Jeffrey Epstein's network? They especially were intrepid in coming forward, for they received countless death threats. For example the woman who intended to come forward and appear on TV during the campaign to discuss her lawsuit against Trump? She didn't. The threats were so traumatizing, she was frightened for her life. If she had appeared on television to discuss the abuse, rape and horror she experienced? Would the 2016 election have gone differently? Who is behind the death threats? Putin's thugs, those who dispatch Putin's enemies?
One must consider that sexual abuse lawsuits are still pending against Trump. And more information has come out about the bullying threats he and Epstein (who Trump praised, but who is in jail with a slap on his wrist sentence), leveled at young teenagers if they told the truth of what happened (rape and orgies). However, Trump supporters, women included, believe that these women are lying. Like with Roy Moore, the syndrome of supporting the criminal against the victim is embraced by such women. One wonders if these women too have been psychologically, emotionally and physically abused and cannot bear to consider the abuse as the reality of their lives. For then they would have to look at their own experience and break apart emotionally.
Nevertheless, sexual abuse allegations and pedophilia provide the salacious stench that follows the WH. Considering the credibility of these women (and the pussy grabbing tape which now Trump claims is a hoax), one cannot dismiss them lightly. By his own admission on the pussy grabbing tape, his behavior is scurrilous and sexually predatory. Thus, despite the wall of lies fostered by Fox News, Brietbart, Alex Jones and other extreme right-wing, white supremacist, paternalistic, racist, misogynistic news sites like RT and Sputnik fueled by Russians, the Mercers, the Kochs and more, Trump has left a trail of evidence. It is catching up with him and others as women become empowered by destroying the bloody menses wall of silence.
During the campaign Trump stomped down the looks of
women opponents. Carly Fiorina's face?
His insult was an outrage. His comments rang with the same psychotic brutality that at the least was unkind and kindergartenish. Again, Trump supporters cheered him on. It was tantamount to the sociopathic mentality of crowd hatred spewed at a suicidal person on a ledge as the crowd eggs them on to jump. Trump, indeed, encourages genocidal wickedness in individuals as did Hitler, as do any desperately afraid, weak bullies with the perceived authority to say and do as they please. On the campaign Trump enjoyed revving up the crowd and was caught up in the moment of annihilating his opponents. Was it any wonder metaphorically Carly Fiorina was slaughtered; her reputation, her beauty? When Trump was finished with her, she left the race. No point is too low for him to go to "win." The irony of course is that his psychotic behaviors prove again and again that he is a loser of a human being. Of course, if one is blind, deaf and dumb, one thinks he is a winner. Trumpism is the reversal of all things truly Christian.
The pussy grab video tape manifests the apex of Trump's identity as the weak, viagra-ridden male attempting to appear the brawny, sexual, virile winner. Beautiful women he is drawn to? Oh dear! None of them can be overweight or obese. That is implicit. For obesity and overweight cannot be beautiful. White men everywhere must dump their fat, ugly wives. Can't they get anyone prettier? EWWWW. Guilt by association! Inferior women. Obese men conceivably have more power. Trump is stage I overweight heading toward obese. He throws his weight around.
What does Trumpism say about obese women? Do "ideal" appearance standards apply to men as well? |
Currently, fascism, uplifting uber thin white women and dunning all others is the trend. Trump, owner of beauty pageants is the band leader demanding we goose step our way toward embracing those folkways. Don't worry, white males. You can do anything, be pedophiles, rapists of women or men, you're OK. You are premiere, regardless of your age, intellectuality, reading level, education level, morality, ethics, soul damnation. You are white. You have a penis, however small, however, impotent. At the top of the oligarchic, fascist pyramid you dominate. But only if individuals allow you to do so. Be forewarned! There are many wonderful men who are against you from all diversities, many of them sick and tired of the "white" male ethic trashing their inner souls. And women are empowered not to allow you to get away with bombastic cruelty. They will speak up and not shut up regardless of how many waves of feminism you denigrate them with as if awareness of brutality was a spreading cancer instead of a truth. Except maybe for Hope Hicks and the women around you.
Fascism is its own genocidal and ultimately suicidal representation of the worst and most devilish of human nature. When fascism strikes in the form of appearance norming, principally imbuing the objectification of women as sex objects only, it is nihilistic. The fact that Trumpism dominates the fascist sphere and uses the MO of shaming powerful women is a given. Nevertheless, as women speak up, other women abuse them. The verbal rhetoric leveled at Hillary by various "liberal" and conservative women was beyond the pale.
Jill Stein was the most noxious example of this. Russian money was at the foundation of her attacks against Hillary (Jill Stein sitting at the same table as Putin and Michael Flynn at the RT Gala). Stein was used as a tool to redirect reasonable voters toward supporting Stein, a losing candidate who was a spoiler. Stein was perfect as an individual who cared about the environment, like Hillary didn't. (She was smeared as a killer, a child-eating pedophile; how could one conceive she cared about the environment?). You have the perfect face off: a woman loser siphoning off votes from a woman winner helping to make her lose. In her book Hillary noted that Stein siphoned just enough votes in the swing states from delivering a win to Hillary. Jill Stein's martyred loser, a Russian dupe, destroying Hillary's chances is the premiere example of fascism working its miserable nefariousness. It pits women against women. In this instance it was encouraged by Putin, the strong, wealthy, genius male in the redirect. Stein had no problem doing this. There's the extreme pity of turning the "green party" into a fascist, oligarch's tool.
Thus fascism breeds division, self-hate, nihilism, inhumanity between and among women whether wittingly or unwittingly and between women and men finally. It begins with the fascism that women live with daily in being forced to adhere to appearance norms about weight, beauty and youth. Those mores gnaw at women's collective souls. Unless women gain soul maturity, they feel like worthless dolls or throwaways. That nihilism prevents them from even seeking powerful leadership positions in their careers. Those simplistic divisions lay the groundwork for greater divides in important venues where they compete against men. Thus, many women undercut women in every walk of life and especially when a woman attempts to rise up the career ladder. Unless women acknowledge the roots of this genocidal practice and call it out whenever possible, it will continue to morph like a monster that positions women against women and everyone against everyone else.
It is most noted and most surreptitious: in the fashion industry, diet industry, cosmetics industry, medical industrial complex (purveyors of lap bands, sleeves, gastric bypass, etc., injectables and cosmetic surgery). And from there, it transmutes; women strive with women and then are made to feel unequal in the workplace by companies whose CEOs are male dominated, whose managers and top staff are also male dominated. Women cannot win anywhere especially if she intends to lead. She must be soulfully enlightened and recognize the nullifying mores, overcome them and counter them at every turn.
In the past, few women sought to enter the political arena. Will this change as women see the visible results of Trumpism against Hillary Clinton who Trump bullied and stalked and derided? Absolutely. Women and men were outraged when he encouraged crowds to cheer in a gestapo voice to "Lock her up." The extreme irony was that she had committed no crime (stated the second time too late by a wayward and witting FBI director). Indeed, the bully in the "heat of the moment" was encouraging conspiracy by a foreign power to hack emails during the debates. The crime of conspiracy was being committed by Trump right before the news media and the populace. Knowing individuals saw the crime committed right on TV, in plain sight. But the legitimacy was with the criminal, not the accused Hillary. Dictators reverse the laws of right. They make their crimes legitimate. Anyone not abiding by their corrupt laws becomes a criminal. Black becomes white, right becomes left, lies become truth. Trumpism is rotten to its decayed core. How Hillary Rodham Clinton was treated during the campaign and the debates evidences that to the max. Her vilification as a pedophile cannibal, an investor in the slave trade, the evil empire Clinton Foundation sopping up donations from the Uranium One deal with Russia are Fox News favorites. Indeed whenever, Trump raises his nefarious lies or dementia riddled behaviors and Trump's cohorts indicted for crimes, are televised on the news, Hillary is trotted out and whipped. She lost. Trump is in power, but Fox is still treating his running the country like the campaign. It is laughable. Indeed, Fox News is inferring that he has not yet begun to govern. I thought Fox was his support. Such is their hatred of Hillary.
The fact that she is a woman and meant to be abused? The audacity for her to run. But we have no other woman who ran as her party's presidential candidate to compare her to. She is the first. And what she has been through I doubt no man could go through easily. Thus, this is the opponent's MO. Annihilate powerful women and destroy their words by reducing their credibility constantly and forever. Make it so her hated power, her win of the popular vote, her popularity is annihilated every time she is thought of, her name mentioned. Smear, violate, demean spiritually rape, hate.
Trumpism is the ongoing demented, psychotic behavior that comes out of Washington each day as our democracy is being dismantled and the values which Americans believe in are being shredded by a psychotic sociopath who in other circumstances would be in a hospital. Meanwhile, the neo-Nazis, oligarchs and totalitarians smile. If they can destroy the voice of such powerful women leaders, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and others, they have succeeded for, they are dangerous. (Hillary nearly had Putin ousted. He will stop at nothing to slaughter her metaphorically with the help of Fox News which is becoming a Russian operative.)
Are people opening their eyes? A good part of the country knows there are criminals in the White House. They understand the deplorable Republicans in the House and Senate are filthy with corruption and soiled with payouts and promises of payouts to their PACS by uber wealthy donors. The diaper stench of Republican politicians is a holding tank of poop. Now Republicans are appearing more like Russian agents. They have taken oligarch's money, as has been reported by Scott Dworkin. But criminal politicians have been increasing exponentially since Nixon never went to jail, but was pardoned. The American people have been losing since the early 1970s with him. The economy worsened under subsequent Republicans to the point where the tax structure has been upended. And as the oligarchic tax bill has been passed, the wealthiest will be the least taxed with the understanding that they are to carry the rest of the country by allowing their windfall of millions to "trickle down" to the poor. If the same reasoning abides as did with Regan, there will be stagnant wages, an eroding of the economy a blossoming of the debt we owe to international bankers, the shrinking of our purchasing power and misery. Sooner than later.
The hope lies in the Russia Investigation, Trump's bete noir. Polls are unreliable. However, if one considers all who voted for Hillary, Stein and Johnson to avoid Trump and if one considers the Republican's inability to do anything for the American people except inflame them by decreasing taxes for the wealthy and increasing taxes for the poor and middle incomed, then support for the Trumpist kingdom will continue to decline. Who is left to support him? The duped. And the uber wealthy (including extreme right Republicans)
and white supremacist lower middle class. Even moderate Republicans (Bush Jr., Bob Corker, Tim Tiberi etc.) eschew the brutality of cruelty that is manifest in
White House corruption and ultra right-wing supporters of the KKK,
neo-nazis, and their media representatives including Goebbals-like Bannon who will not brook any Congressional insult of Trump.
The tax "reform" that Republicans rammed through without hearings or debate so their wealthy friends are being experienced now in chunks of pennies in salary checks. The billionaires are receiving their windfall cuts and the money to fund the government is rising and will reach the 2.5 trillion mark by the time the billionaires put nothing into US coffers to benefit all Americans. As for the fascism of appearance? That is harder to upend. But the more women take a stand against sexual predation and sexual objectification, the more they empower themselves to stop it. The recent Rob Porter debacle is a step in the right direction. Fired for wife beating and photograph of eye blackening is a step in the right direction. But he never should have been in the WH since the FBI gave no full security clearance, he was an object of blackmail in his lying about domestic violence. Yet, he was one of Trump's boys, a predator, an abuser and worthy of being in the crowd.
Because the scandal hit the media like a missile, someone had to take the fall for being negligent in keeping him on, in hiring him, in letting him hold confidential, top secret documents. It had to be a woman, not John Kelly who justified Porter even after Porter's scandal was made horrifically public. So Trump in typical fashion used a woman. Hope Hicks took the hit for the delay of his firing, though John Kelly had the power, not she. John Kelly should be held accountable. Once again, Trumpism mows down women with men's complicity and they must take it. Surely, Hope Hicks is getting something for this. That she would resign and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Grand Jury? Out of the question. Women say nothing. They are silent. But her days are numbered.