
Thursday, April 14, 2016

'VAXXED:' The Tribeca Film Festival Entry That Dropped Off the Map and Into the Public's Hearts

By now, those who are connected with Robert De Niro and Jane Rosenthal's Tribeca Film Festival, including journalists, ticketholders, sponsors, filmmakers, celebrities and others have learned how Robert De Niro was pressured to cancel showing the documentary Vaxxed From Cover-up to Catastrophe. Notification of the film has been disappeared from the Tribeca Film Festival and all those working at the festival must disavow any prior involvement in Vaxxed- that such a film exists and is being shown in NYC.
Tribeca FF guide

What's the fuss? At the heart of the film now being shown at Angelika Film Center in New York City and elsewhere is the MMR vaccine. The problem? The film features a CDC whistleblower (Dr. William Thompson, a former Merck scientist who became a senior epidemiologist at the CDC’s Immunization Safety department in 1997). Dr. Thompson in a phone conversation states that the research investigating the MMR vaccine was falsely reported. The whistleblower indicates that the research was skewed. Skewed how? It was skewed to deny that there is a causal relationship between the vaccine and autisim.  
According to the CDC whistleblower there is an increased incidence of those who have been given the MMR vaccine and autism. Does every child vaccinated with the vaccine MMR develop autism? No. However, if even one child developed autism as a result of the vaccine, it should be pulled. There are more than one anecdotal incidents of parents relating that their children became autistic after being injected with the MMR vaccine. These parents are represented in the film Vaxxed. The problem is that the numbers for children with autism have increased exponentially over the years that the vaccine has been given. Which is worse? Your child getting autism perhaps, or your child getting Measles, Rubella or Mumps? According to studies and scientists there is no controversy. The vaccine is safe. If not, why did the whistleblower risk his life and career coming forward?
Does the vaccine for MMR contribute to autism in certain individuals? Photo courtesy of the film.
Is there a causative factor between the MMR vaccine and autism? According to the Medical Industrial Complex (MIC) and its minions in mainstream media and elsewhere, the MMR vaccine is perfectly fine for every child being vaccinated. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle does not apply to medicine: did you know? So according to those in the MIC who support this vaccine, there is no doubt about this vaccine, no problem, no uncertainty. According to them it is perfect, safe, perfect, safe, perfect, safe, perfect, perfect, perfect for all children. It's a sure thing.

First off, there is a problem with this reasoning. Not every human being responds the same to every chemical substance. Every human body is different; you know that simply from hearing about individuals' allergic reactions-one is allergic to cats or penicillin, another is not. So you know the reasoning is off. One shoe does not fit every foot. Likewise one vaccine may be safe for one individual and cause autism for another. There is no vaccine, no medicine that is a sure thing. Drugs and foods and all chemical substances may cause allergic reactions, may induce side effects, create catastrophe or lead to death. There is uncertainty about every chemical that is man made. That is why we have the FDA and government regulation and agencies like the CDC to monitor our drug safety and weigh the levels of uncertainty. If a drug's danger risk outweighs its benefits,they will pull the drug and ban it. Unless, of course, government agencies are not independent bodies but are pressured and controlled by corporations.

According to Director Andrew Wakefield former doctor retaliated against for initially exposing concerns about the MMR vaccine, these two lines should track together and be as one. The fact they do not is a problem and the results were changed to have them track together to make it look all was fine in the study about MMR. Photo from the film Vaxxed.
Secondly, the MIC has created for itself a horrific track record with the results of faulty and skewed research being accepted because profits must be made. This has effected dire consequences. Reports of pulled medicines hit the news media every year, especially alternative media not in concert with pharmaceutical companies through advertising. Faulty and troublesome medical devices and medicines have brought on class action lawsuits. The public has gained increased awareness of the MIC's "faux pas" because many of them have led to damage and the death of loved ones. The pain and suffering has been acute and families have been victimized. At the least, knowledge and the awareness that doctors are not saviors and Big Pharma oligarchies are not friendly, helpful and concerned for human welfare are concepts gaining critical mass.

The FB page of The Epoch Times carried the story. Photo ET.
What happened with Tribeca Film Festival pulling Vaxxed is now gaining critical mass as a part of that awareness and mistrust of the MIC. The public is increasingly skeptical about medical research (often conducted dependently and not via independent, non profit research centers with no ties to Big Pharma) which give a pass to medicines that are then pushed by doctors to patients. The public increasingly questions why vaccines are mandated, no choice is given and the court system to protest such is separate and apart from the established justice system. The public is tired of having to accept the role of guinea pig and research rat, of being the passive, non-vocal, unwitting, defenseless and uncomplaining citizenry swallowing what our "betters" tell us for "our own good." We are tired of this role because the FDA and government bodies like the CDC who were established to protect citizens, instead, are loyal to the MIC

Thus, with an increasingly aware public, pulling such a film from the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival backed by NYC beloved Robert De Niro was one of the worst PR gaffs that could ever be created for/by Big Pharma and its vaccine lobby. Such a decision to pressure an individual with the gravitas and celebrity of De Niro was wrongheaded thinking. Immediately, upon the announcement, cries of censorship abounded and questions were raised. Who got to De Niro? Was the film irresponsible or truthful? What was the big deal, anyway? How could such censorship be allowed in a country based on principles of "freedom of the press" and "free speech?" What?
Del Bigtree, Medical Journalist: Vaxxed

De Niro and the festival were victimized and cast in the light of the underdog. Social media on Vaxxed began a fire storm and the film has been shown at Angelika Film Center in NYC not one night, not two, but three weeks and more. De Niro gradually has begun to speak out about what happened. The film's director and film subjects have spoken out on Social Media and it is going viral. Indeed, the irony in all of this is that the public has opened its heart to Vaxxed. Many more people will see this film than ever would have in its formerly scheduled one time showing at Tribeca Film Festival. One would almost think that it is a conspiracy to have effected such a gaff which backfired and is so controversial that it is promoting the film. Social media loves controversy and democratic debate, despite the trolls hired to quash it.

The story is now simmering in public hearts and will gain momentum. The players have been cast in an interesting light: corporate media controlled by conglomerates censors what conglomerates want censored. The Vaxxed filmmakers are heroes. The filmmaker who questioned the film being shown, debunking the film before she even saw it appears jealous and complaining. De Niro is brilliant for "caving" to pressure to pull the film, "unwittingly" creating the backlash.

To publicize the festival, De Niro has also commented on the film when asked questions about it. Most recently, on The Today Show, De Niro commented to the effect that it is a film people should see. His son has autism. Clearly, he would be interested if there was a possible causative link between autism and any portion of the MMR vaccine. Indeed, with his statements about Vaxxed, he has given an imprimatur for an additional investigation about the issues the film presents, an investigation that is independent and apart from any corporate funding research foundation. At the very least we need to see the film and decide for ourselves, especially if a CDC whistleblower has indicated the research was changed to give the vaccine a pass when it was clearly shown to be potentially catastrophic for certain individuals.
Facebook group concerned about scientific drug fraud.

More information about this subject, the film Vaxxed, its censorship, and the whistleblower can be found on the sites below. For sites denouncing the film, check Indiewire, and other articles.

DeNiro on the Today Show:

Manhattanites can see Vaxxed at the Angelika Film Center (petition for an extension) and the Manhattan Film Festival (see below)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Mainstream Nutritionists VS. Homeopathic Nutritionists

Fresh organic lemon juice and filtered water purify your body.

Western cultures do not practice fasting. In fact going without three meals a day is ANATHEMA. When one skips a meal or two, nutritionists, medical professionals schooled by Western mainstream medicine and the health oblivious, sound the anorexia trumpet.

In fact fasting a meal or two or three is good for you because it gives one's body a rest. Alternative nutritionists who follow homeopathic treatments understand this. However, mainstream nutritionists are blithely ignorant of the health benefits of many things, including fasting.

If you check out the menus of hospital fare prepared by "nutritionists" who have degrees, you will note the foods are mostly processed, the breads-packaged and filled with preservatives and additives, all for the convenience of the hospital or nursing facility not for the health of the patient. They serve JELL-O and other desserts after their horrific meals. And that is "better" than fasting on clean, filtered water and lemon juice or other juices made from herbicide-free, pesticide-free, non GMO fruits and vegetables? I don't think so.

Sodas, diet sodas, seltzers deplete enzymes, calcium and nutrients.
Nutritionists in hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living centers should be ashamed of themselves. Indeed, mainstream nutritionists should rethink their "group think" training, unless they are advocating locally sourced, clean foods. Generally, nutritionists who claimed to be "experts" during the past thirty years, as a majority, have not advocated for organic, pesticide and herbicide-free vegetables and fruits, free-ranged, pasture-raised animals not given growth hormones or antibiotics, etc., non processed foods with no additives, let alone fluoride-free, clean, filtered water. They have been in the dark and have, like the AMA, and M.I.C. ONLY advocated for mainstream practices and foods, not seeing the relationships of such products to health and wellness. Such "experts" are limited. Their information has been controlled by the government and corporate networks (food and drink industry, medical industrial complex, etc.) whose agenda is profit. People have died as a result of noxious medical practices, poisonous drugs and medicines, as well as incorrect nutritional advice and more.

In Spring, herbs and medicinal plants in the wild are powerful de-toxifiers
 But in the world of mainstream medicine, mainstream "nutrition," mainstream media, etc., up is down, black is white, pink is green and profit-driven blindness is "good." Indeed, those in the alternative medicinal fields like chiropractors, homeopaths, alternative MDs and doctors advocating against mainstream practices have, like heretics, been excoriated as "quacks." Some have had their licenses revoked and have been jailed by FDA enforcement types. Recently, some have ended up dead. Their questionable deaths which could be murders have not been investigated properly by law enforcement. One has only to review the historical record to understand that this is not a joke or some twisted theory about the nefariousness of the AMA and the MIC. Money is fact. Corporations aligned with government assets could care less about your health and well being for a variety of reasons. So you must be the one who cares and takes charge of your own health. See my discussion in a previous essay.

Dr. Nicholas Gonzales, MD, alternative cancer doctor is dead.
Hospital/nursing home/rehab facility food is far from nutritious and may be exacerbating the patients' kidney and liver toxic burden Nutritionists and doctors ALLOWING processed or canned food to be given to patients are suspect. In this day and age nutrition is known in alternative medicine to promote health or illness. If doctors have 3 courses in nutrition in their medical training that is amazing, but it is far from sufficient. They need to understand the relationship between clean food, optimal nutrition, and appropriate enzymes and trace minerals to promote healing. Unfortunately, for many in the M.I.C, the idea of restricting unclean, chemicalized processed foods and providing fresh, local, organic foods or home made meals is viewed with skepticism or not considered at all. Let's face it! If hospital/nursing home patients were provided with clean, non chemicalized, non processed organic foods to promote their health, the profitability for the hospital and medical care facility would suffer. If proper nutrition and clean foods provided beautiful health, what need for mainstream medicine's nostrums, pills, drugs, treatments?

This bakery made cake, fresher than a packaged cake, is still toxic.
 Have you looked at the weight and size of those in the medical profession? I do remember as a child I was criticized by male doctors for being fat. I was about twenty pounds over normal size as a kid. The doctors who commented that I must be eating cakes, pies and cookies (worse, I ate pasta 3-4 times a week which my mother served up because it was cheap, easy and my Dad liked it) to make me fat, were no less than 50 pounds overweight themselves. Should we take the advice of preventative healthfulness from those who are out of shape, unhealthy, overweight or obese and are pushing three squares a day of processed hospital food when and if they check up on their patients? Should we accept what these M.I.C. trained folks tell us about fasting being bad for us?

I think not. And besides, holistic doctors and those who practice Eastern medicine advocate fasting for cleansing one's system, strengthening the immune system and promoting healing. Mainstream medical practice protocol vs. holistic protocol! Which works to strengthen one's own metabolic machine toward healing? Is this a trick question? Why is periodic fasting appropriate for homeopathy/holistic/alternative medicine and anathema for aleopathy which allows horrific junk food, processed food, chemicalized food to be served in nursing homes and hospitals? Why do mainstream doctors not discuss the vital necessity of clean, filtered water and clean food nutrition as part of their treatment plan? Why do they just advocate their Big Pharma protocols, indeed, behaving like whorish drug pushers? Why do mainstream nutritionists persist in their noxious food menus, accepting rationales for processed foods? Money, salary, profit, jobs.

For this reason, those nutritionists who do NOT follow the typical mainstream protocols should be noted for their courage. It is they who should be supported and sought out for their advice. If you must go to a nutritionist, seek out one who advocates for organic, pesticide-free, herb-free produce, clean, filtered water and wherever possible, gluten-free products. (Wheat and grain flour, even whole grain is oftentimes GMO. It has been tweaked, the flour refined with nutritional value at nil.) And if the individual advocates fasting and cleanses, then they are worth the money. Your health is priceless as is your life.