
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Psyching Up for The Master Cleanse


Delicious food, appetite and overindulging are all about imagination and sensuality. The more imaginative and creative one is, the more sensual and sensory one is the greater the potential for weight gain. Of course, certain foods stimulate appetite; other foods are aphrodisiacal:  i.e. oysters, chocolate, apple cinnamon pie.

Supposedly, women cannot resist the taste of cinnamon sugar and spices. It is subliminal and unconscious that fabulous tastes which are heavily induced by salt, sugar and fat (butter, oil) and spice enhancements overcome one's conscious will to monitor one's weight. So as Federico Fellini said, "Never trust a woman in bed who doesn't like to eat," we are reminded that sensuality, sex, love of eating intermingle sweet deliciousness in the memory and imagination.

To gear myself up for the Master Cleanse, I have to defy my imagination, my subliminal appetites, my unconscious and my memory of sumptuous food tastes and embrace filtered water, organic maple syrup B, lemon juice and cayenne pepper. I cannot think about scones, cappuccinos, Eggs Benedict or raw cashews, my staple food when I love to snack. I must nullify all foodie thoughts and reengage my energies toward eliminating destructive toxins like mercury, aluminium, fluoride and pesticides. My imagination and memory must go kaput! It's a bitch, but I need to do it. I've spent too many years destroying my body. I want my health to reassert and take authority of all parts of my being. Keeping my mind in check is 90 % of it. I have banished all Food Cravings.

Let the Spirit be in charge!!!

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